In thailand we have many beautiful culture also the music instruments,so many Thai students had been study how to play it. And many school made Traditional thai musical instruments for children to be a one of studied course. So the kind of Traditional thai musical instruments for children are something that basic and easy to learn it such as Striking , Blowing amd shaking. and now I will show what is Traditional thai musical instruments for children let's go ........ :)
1. the famous of Traditional thai musical instruments for children that I think many Thai children have been studied is " Angklung "
Angklung is a Traditional thai musical instruments for children made out of two bamboo tubes attached to a bamboo frame. The tubes are carved so that they have a resonant pitch when shake.
2. Traditional thai musical instruments for children is Khlui (thai flute)
Khlui isTraditional thai musical instruments for children , probably the first wind instrument which the Thai devised themselves